
Sort your information by site, so you can quickly find the information you need (technical documentation, anomalies, interventions, equipment, etc.)


This page indicates the generalities of your installation (notes, technical documents, photos, intervention models, authorized persons, etc.), SIMPLE GMAO can be configured in single-site or multi-site mode from the configuration menu -> my company.

Site informations 1

Site informations 1

Site informations 2

Site informations 2


You will then need to fill in the fields provided:
TitleSpecify the name of the installation.
Plan typeChoose the type of installation (list configurable from the configuration menu).
CustomerSet the client for this installation.
AddressSet the installation address.
CoordinatesSet the GPS coordinates of the installation, it will then be possible to open your GPS application to go to the site.
NotesNote all the useful information for this site, for formatting use the notation Markdown
ContactsDefine the site contacts, depending on the defined access rights, only users who are contacts of a site can consult this site and these elements (interventions, anomalies, etc.).
Interventions modelsSelect the intervention models that must be used for this site (e.g.: specific checklist, regulatory control, etc.).
FilesAdd all documentation related to the site. You can configure the list of document types from the configuration menu.
SettingAdjust some settings specific to this site.